Monday 11 April 2016

Claudia-Final Face & Hair Chart & Practice

This is the final makeup and hair design that I will be using to create my character Claudia. I chose this design in specific as I do not want it to look way too modern however I want Claudia's appearance to be divine and beautiful yet screaming out that there is something wrong with her the fact that she is not mentally stable. I would have my model's base as her skin matching foundation. I would go for neutral colours on the eyes mostly beige and browns. I do not have the classic 50's winged eyeliner in this look as I thought it would be too modern.

I would like the brows to be messy as this will sort of describe her mental disorder, telling the viewers that yes she is a freak too, I would create the messy brows using mascara and disposable mascara wants and comb the hairs in the opposite direction as this will create the messy look. I will have just a soft blush on the cheeks and with the red lipstick I will smudge it in one corner of the mouth, I will also be adding blood to her mouth and fingers.

For the hair I will stick with the up do having the wave and structure in the hair that I have in the hair inspirations blog post. I will set the hair with hot rollers to get that volume into the hair. I then will set the hair to one side leaving the curves in the hair that will represent the 50's style.

In the image above is me practicing my design on myself to make sure that it does work as my final design. Looking at the books, the art of makeup and making faces I had the idea what 50's make up should look like. I tried keeping it as simple as I could and avoided the eyeliner in the final look as Claudia is not mentally stable there is no way she would do her winged liner perfect all the time. I didn't want the look to look too modern hence the messy bros that describe her mental disorder that there is something wrong with her. Looking at the brows I think they could have been a little more messy. I will have to check for this when doing the final shoot for Claudia. I will also be adding the smudged lipstick on the day of the shoot as well as the blood.

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