Tuesday 29 March 2016

Scream At The Devil

Scream at the devil was directed and written by Joseph. P. Stachura. It is the story about Miriam Jones who has Schizophrenia and usually hallucinates. She things related to the devil that are not usually present there at that particular time. As time goes by she is pushed over the edge and her disorder gets worse day by day as she wants her husband to admit to his affairs. 

Her hallucinations then become an insane as her husband eventually leaves her and Miriam's mental state gets worse and is then put into a mental institute where the ward keepers experience very weird and creepy behaviour from her and in the end Miriam eventually takes her own life. The whole movie is lined around Miriam and her story with the mental disorder Schizophrenia. 

This movie also shows the effects of both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. As I stated in the schizophrenia research blog post about the symptoms of this disorder, Miriam in this movie who suffers from this disorder has both these symptoms as at times she would engage very weirdly with the outer world and see things that do not exist and imagine things happening around her when they really aren't. At other times she would just stay to herself and lock herself indoors from the outer world. This seems like Claudia, would have both the negative and positive symptoms of this disorder as she stays indoor whilst imaging Quentin.

As soon I watched the movie I could relate it back to Claudia's character as they are very similar. The only difference is that Miriam hallucinates about the devil where as Claudia hallucinates about Quentin's affairs. Claudia has Schizophrenia as well and this is the reason why she hallucinates about Quentin as he is her imagination. Another similarity was the fact that they both think that they are being cheated on, when in reality it is only their imagination. This was a good movie to watch and I now have a better understanding towards people with mental disorders, however as this was a horror film I strongly believe that some parts in the movie have been over exaggerated.

Joseph. P. Stachura. Scream At The Devil, 2015 [digital video]

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