Saturday 26 March 2016

Mrs Laderman-Final Face Chart Design & Practice

This is the final design that I will like to create for Mrs Laderman. I created this design based on the clown make up and made up a third eye in the design as I wanted Mrs Laderman to be the clown character in the TV series of the freak show. As it is a freak show I wanted her to be part of the freak family and that is where I came up with the design of having the third eye as this will make her a freak.

Not only will the third eye make her a freak, she also has the powers to watch Claudia from her third eye without even being there with her physically. The design consists of a normal face when you look straight at it. Making things slightly creepier one side of Mrs Laderman's face will have a third eye a nose and a mouth. These will be all the same elements that are in the design at the front of the face. I thought if I had the same features on the side of the face this would make it look a little more realistic.

Practicing the design was not easy and I wasn't happy with the way the design came out as this was the first trial of this design. I wasn't happy with any of the elements on the face as nothing on the face looks realistic at all neither dos it look scary. With the mouth I think it has to come up a lot higher than what I did during my practice. I also need to work on the shape of the teeth. I also think I need to make the brows thinner. I need to make the frown lines and the wrinkles look more realistic and work on shadings in the design. Adding shadings into the design will bring the deign to life.

I also need to work on the third eye, second nose and second mouth as looking at the images of my practice they all look some what out of proportion. I need to make the side of the face look like a real face that is on the face. For example, in the TV series of the freak show, Edward had a second head at the back of his head. This will be Mrs Laderman having half a face on one side of her face. With the design I know what I want it to look like. However, I feel that I need to practice the design more so that I can make it work for Mrs Laderman's final shoot.

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