Thursday 24 March 2016

Mrs Laderman- Face Chart Designs & Practice

As I want Mrs Laderman to be the clown character for the freak show TV series. This is one of the face charts I designed and practiced on myself. What I liked about this design is the fact that it has the horror elements as it is for American horror story. I was not really happy with the way the way it looks in reality once I had practiced it on my face. I was happy with the mouth area and not too happy with the way the eye area came out. It kind of looks a little too fake and more of a Halloween type makeup. I did mot like the way the wrinkles came out in the middle of the forehead as it looks unreal. I wanted to create a freak, however this looks a little scary as it has the horror elements but I don't think I shall use this as my design for Mrs Laderman.

This was another design that I created for Mrs Laderman. I came up with this design from the the research I did on clown makeup in fashion. I wanted to combine the both and see what result I would get at the end. I used my skin colour matching foundation as the base and set it using translucent powder. I then used black supra colour to create the design around my eyes and to create the design on the lips. I like the finished look of this design. However, I think it looks better on paper then it does in person. I feel that this is because it is hard to create very symmetrical lines next to the nose and also the area between the eyes and brows is too big. I like the way the nose looks as it is a very modern type of a clown nose and not the classic big round nose of a clown. I thought that this look would be great for runways but I'm not sure whether I can use it for the TV series. I would like Mrs Laderman to look more freaky than this look. I thought that this look describes a beautiful clown rather than a terrifying clown.

This was the third design I came up with for Mrs Laderman and I was really pleased with the finished outcome of this look as it has a very realistic look to it. I liked all the shadings in the practice that I did because I really feel that they brought the design to life. I used supra colours to create this design as well as black eye shadow to create the shadows. However, I think it has more of a skull look rather than a clown look. It has the appearance of a Halloween skull more like the grim reaper rather than a freaky clown look. For this reason, I don't think I'll use this as my final design.

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