Sunday 27 March 2016

Practicing Mrs Laderman's Third Eye

Looking at the images of the first practice trial that I did of Mrs Laderman's design I wasn't pleased with the outcome at all. This showed that I had to practice the design more and bring it a little more to life. As the third eye of Mrs Laderman in my first practice trial did not look anything like an eye, I decided to practice drawing eyes on my hand.

The first image shows the eye I drew using supra colours, I decided to keep this without lashes as I wanted to see how it would look as the finished outcome. I quite like the look of the eye without lashes as I think it gives a more prominent look. However it just got me thinking will an eye in the side of the face have lashes or not.

I then drew lashes on the eye to see how it would look. Thinking about the design as a whole I think it might all just look a little messy with the lashes o n the eye considering the amount of space I would have on the temple area to draw the eye as I have to fit in all the other elements of the design. I quite like the look of the lashes on the eye. During my next practice session I will draw Mrs Laderman's third eye and see whether I would use it for my final shoot.

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