Thursday 24 March 2016

Superstitions Presented in Circus Shows

Superstitions are characterised as pseudoscience, however they are so widespread and are known to be immune to science. There are many people who believe in he pseudoscience side rather than science. Astrology, fortune telling, black magic and many more are examples of pseudoscience. Where as all things to do with technology are considered to be science based. 

Astrologists are normally at circus shows. Astrologers use the planets and stars to give a person some sort of information about their future. Some people believe in astrology a lot and their life revolves around this myth. They would do whatever the astrologer would tell them to do for a better tomorrow. 

Some critics argue whether astrology is really true or not. they believe that if this was true why couldn't we know about real life crises like, aids global warning and nuclear weapons beforehand? Also, if we know that the world might be ending due o global warming why can't science do something about this situation beforehand? This leaves some people just hanging around, as what do we put our trust in science or pseudoscience?

Along with Astrology, divination also known as fortune telling is also a superstition that is presented in circus shows. Fortune telling is not an ordinary power that certain people have. Its is done using supernatural or magical means. Fortune telling consists of information on future events, finding information about the past and much more. Fortune telling started from the ancient world and still continues today.

It is known to be part of some religions not all. For example, Christianity does not agree with this supernatural activity. They believe that this could be harmful for the church as, people will no longer believe in a priest any longer. There are normally two main ways of fortune telling.These are using tarot cards and a way in which the fortune teller enters a special physic state and then transmits information to the client.

Some critics say that fortune tellers are nothing but frauds and are just arty performers. This is just a way for them to get money from innocent people. Some also say that fortune tellers do not have any special powers and that they do not possess anything more than the knowledge of normal human nature. I believe that fortune telling is not true to some aspects as no one ever knows what will happen tomorrow. I think it is all a myth, however some people do believe in these superstitions and thats their personal preference.

Relating this back to Mrs Laderman, she has the power of her third eye, that always watches over Claudia. How could this be possible? Could she also have some sort of superstition power that enables her to know wha Claudia is up to, even without her physically being with her?

Williams F, 2000. Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience. Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago, IL

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