Monday 28 March 2016

Messy Brows Inspiration-Claudia

This particular image inspired me for the creation of Claudia's make-up. I wouldn't use all the elements as they would not relate back the time period in which my chosen tv series is set in as it looks a bit to modern. I really like the look of the messy brows. I would like to use this for my final design for Claudia.

This could clearly represent her mental disorder is creeping all over her. This could represent her confusion, fear and jealousy. Her pose in this image is also something I would consider as I like the smudge of her lipstick in the corner of her mouth and the red colour on her finger. Relating this back to Claudia the colour on her hand and smudged from the corner of her lips could mean many things. 

Could this mean that Claudia is harming herself? Could this be from the fear of Mrs Laderman? Does Claudia want to end her life? All these questions can be asked looking at this image relating it back to Claudia. I would use fake blood when creating my character version of Claudia keeping in mind the time the show was set in. 

Looking at other inspiration, I came across this look that was worn by a model at the Alexander McQueen collection. As I want Claudia to have messy brows, I really liked this look of the brows. There are fake lashes that have been used as the brows. I like how it looks just really messy but beautiful and divine at the same time. 

However, I think this would be too dramatic for Claudia as described in her character profile she always wants to look as beautiful as she can for Quentin her imaginary boyfriend. Yet I wanted her makeup to kind of describe her mental disorder. I also wanted her make up to scream out saying, "Yes I'm beautiful but I'm also a freak." 

I would prefer to go for the messy brows look in the image at the top as it is quite subtle yet gives an impact on the viewer looking at the image. I would mess up my model's natural brows using mascara and disposable mascara wands. I will have to try and test this out before the actual creation of Claudia, to check whether it works or not. 


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