Saturday 23 April 2016

Final Project Evaluation

Gothic horror as a whole was a very challenging project for me in terms of both parts of the project. I loved the theme of both parts of the project as I really enjoy horror themes. I learnt many new techniques that were useful for me to use within the project and will also be useful in the future. The first part of the assessment I think was more successful then the second part which was designing Claudia and Mrs Laderman. I did struggle with the continuity part of the assessment as my character Lucy was not replicated the same and looked quite different from the fist part of the assessment.

I would say this was my weakness for that part of the project, which I will have to improve for the future. What I learnt from the continuity assessments, was firstly making sure that camera and flash settings are the same. Also when using reference images from the first part of the assessment I should have larger images the next time and print them professionally rather than on paper quality. However, surprisingly I really enjoyed designing Lucy and carrying out all the background research to support my designs as well as research in general compared to the last semester as this was one thing that I struggled with. Through research I came across many critical opinions on Dracula and think that this was the successful bit of the continuity part of the project.

The second part of the project, designing Mrs Laderman and Claudia for my chosen Tv series. This part of the project was a real struggle for me as I just did not know where to begin my research and how to develop my characters and fit them into the tv series. Presenting my initial ideas of my characters was a disaster as nothing seemed right. However, the feedback I got from my tutor and fellow peers was helpful and this got me rethinking about my characters and how I would place them into the series. This was the most difficult part of the project for me. I will have to improve on this as I know a similar situation can come up working in the industry, in the future. However, I found this really interesting as well as was really amazed at how professionals actually come up with the characters and it is all based on research.

If I were given a chance to complete the project I would work more on developing my designs with deeper research as I think this is something I lacked with during the second part of this project. Although I looked at the work of professionals like, Chris Nicholls, Alex Box and make up looks worn at famous runway shows, I think I needed to look further for much more inspiration for both parts of the project. Looking at the project as a whole I really enjoyed it and faced many challenges and difficulties, from which I overcome some and learned valuable lessons from some, which taught me a lesson for any similar projects that come up in the future.

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